If you do not have time to purchase MOLePoints, you may sign up through our stockist by following the below steps:
Step 1:
Bank in your amount of money to our stockist bank account below:
Maybank Account No.: 1126 8810 0150
Name: Goldmon LEE SUET KONG
Amount to bank in depends on number of lots you wish to purchase:
RM50 - 1 Lot (Spot)
RM150 - 3 Lots (Spots)
RM350 - 7 Lots (Spots)
RM750 - 15 Lots (Spots)
Step 2:
Type sms as below:
MBB<>[Date bank in]<>[Time bank in]<>[Amount bank in]<>[0138317998]
<> means space
MBB 09/11/09 02:00PM RM50.00 0138317998
Step 3:
Send the sms to 012-2020962 and 013-8317998
Your membership registration will be processed as soon as possible and you shall receive sms from Platinum-Z regarding your account activation and secret code normally within 1 day from payment.
You can go to http://www.platinum-z.com/ and log in to update your profile.
Member ID = Your h/p no.
Password = Your secret code that you receive from Platinum-Z
Or you can register your personal details by following below steps
pz<>regd<>n[your name as per IC]<>z[your IC no.]<>b[your bank code]<>t[your bank account no.]<>c[your secret code]
Remarks: <> means space
pz regd nAli Bin Abu z800308055215 bMBB t155015014465 c123456
Then, send the sms to any of the Platinum-Z Gateway No.:
012-8733698 or 016-3323798
Bank Code:
AmBank (AMBB), CIMB Bank (CIMB), Malayan Banking Berhad (MBB), Public Bank (PBB), EON Bank (EBB), Hong Leong Bank (HLBB), RHB Bank (RHB), Affin Bank (AFBB), Alliance Bank (ABMB), Bank Muamalat Malaysia (BMMB), Bank Islam Malaysia (BIMB), Citibank (CBB), OCBC Bank (OCBC), Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN), Ambank Gen-X Prepaid Master Card (AMC), EON Bank Freedom Master Card (EMC)