
WARNING!... If You Are Using Your Phone But Fails to Generate Any Cash Returns from It, then You Will Keep Losing Your Money!

Regardless who you are...entrepreneur, businessman, salesman, professional, private sector employee, government servant, police officer, army, factory technician, school students, college students, university students, MLM leaders, insurance agent, unit trust financial consultant, singer, artist, housewife, retiree, or jobless...we are sure that you use HANDPHONE!

Now, simply do what you are already doing with your handphone, you get a chance to earn FREE AIR TIME and EXTRA CASH REWARDS UP TO RM3,000 A DAY! What would you think?

Whether you are prepaid or postpaid user from Maxis, Celcom, Digi or uMobile, you qualified to join this Platinum-Z Club Members Reward Plan!

Before you read further, please answer the below questions sincerely:

1. Are you a handphone user (prepaid or postpaid)?
2. Are you a serious person and currently looking for extra income Part-Time or Full-Time?
3. Are you willing to invest a One Time Investment of RM50?
4. Are you willing to introduce minimum 2 persons to be member of Platinum-Z Club?

If your answers are "NO", then, please stop wasting your time and our time, you may stop reading now and go back to what you're doing in your comfort zone! Thank you!

If your answers to the above are "YES"! Congratulations and continue reading...

What we are sharing with you is a reward plan which can potentially earn you FREE AIR TIME and CASH REWARDS up to RM3,000 daily with a ONE TIME COST of just RM50.00 to join Platinum-Z Club!

Before you proceed further, you need to understand that, this is:

NOT Get Rich Quick Scam
NOT Pyramid Scheme
NOT Internet Investment Scheme
NOT Donation Plan
NOT Selling Prepaid Top Up Card

There is also:

NO monthly maintenance!
NO selling!
NO product delivery!
NO Sponsoring (if you don't want to...)!

YES, even if you do not sponsor, you will also get rewards (however, if you are active and sponsor, you will get much more rewards faster...)

Platinum-Z Club proudly introduces you to the best Air Time Reward Plan brought to you by Platinum-Z Sdn Bhd (838540-U), where You Can Earn Free Air Time and Big Cash Rewards!!!

With only a low ONE TIME COST of just RM50 and with your handphone and sharing this with your friends, you potential get FREE AIR TIME, FREE CALL and daily cash rewards up to RM3,000 A DAY!

Welcome To Platinum-Z Club!
Giving You The Most Rewarding Call Experience-You Use, Save and Profit at The Same Time!

About Platinum-Z

Platinum-Z is owned and managed by Platinum-Z Sdn Bhd and is actually subsidiary of the well established Otelo Telecommunication Sdn Bhd.

It possess valid ASP Licence (Application Service Provider): ASP/255/2007

The official Platinum-Z website is:

The official Platinum-Z address is:

Platinum-Z Sdn Bhd (838540-U)
Diamond Square, Off Jalan Gombak,
3-4-1, Jalan 3/50,
53000 Kuala Lumpur

The official Otelo Telecommunication Sdn Bhd website:

Why you are paid bonus through our reward plan?

Normally other telecommunication companies e.g. Maxis, Digi, Celcom use advertisement in mass media, electronics, etc to promote their air time services, however, Platinum-Z uses Networking to promote their air time products and services. So millions of advertisement cost saved is channeled to reward its users who promoted the company's products and services through networking! So, it's truly win-win situation for both the company and its users!

So, just by top-up your air time via MOLePoints and share this reward plan with anyone, you will receive not only Free Air Time but at the same time, attractive cash rewards!

Who is Platinum-Z Club Team?

Platinum-Z Club Team is a team of independent Platinum-Z agents who promote Air Time Reward Plan of Platinum-Z.

Benefits of Joining Platinum-Z

Why You Should Be Platinum-Z Club Member?
  • FREE 30 minutes Air Time when signing up as member
  • NO NEED to change handphone no. to become member (Maxis, Celcom, Digi, uMobile-postpaid/prepaid all can)
  • Very low ONE TIME INVESTMENT of RM50.00
  • NO selling / monthly maintenance
  • Attractive Reward Plan of up to RM3,000 A DAY and unlimited Free Air Time
  • SMS System (member registration/check bonus)
  • Virtual office-database (personal website)
  • Bonus is paid directly to your bank account through internet banking
  • Combination of 2 powerful technologies (internet+SMS)
  • Global market (already entered Indonesia market)
  • No limitation of age and time
  • Use Free Air time and reduce your phone bill

Platinum-Z Rewards Plan

Platinum-Z Rewards Plan

offers very simple but attractive rewards plan so you can get
FREE Air Time and Attractive Cash Rewards!

For one time investment of as low as RM50.00, you can potentially get cash rewards up to RM3,000 daily!

To join the membership and start enjoying the rewards, all you need is a one-time investment of RM50.00, which entitle you 1 spot/lot.

However, if you Think BIG & DREAM BIG, you should Act BIG!
You are encouraged to sign up with more spot/lot if you wish in order to get more rewards!
More spots/lots! More Rewards!

For RM50 (1 Spot/Lot) that you paid, you're going to get the following:

AIR TIME = RM20.00 (30 Minutes)

BONUS PAYOUT (60%) = RM30.00

1. Sponsor Bonus = 20% X RM30.00 = RM6.00
2. Pairing Bonus = 70% X RM30.00 = RM21.00
3. Leadership Bonus = 10% X RM30.00 = RM3.00

Every Spot/Lot and Bonus shall be divided to 2 separate statements:

1. 80% for E-Wallet
Once the amount in E-Wallet is over RM55.00, it will be automatically be transferred into your registered Bank Account every week. Amount less than RM55.00 shall remain in E-Wallet until it reaches RM55.00.

2. 20% for Re-Entry
Once the amount in Re-Entry Account reaches RM50.00, 1 new Spot/Lot will be created for Re-Entry and shall be placed automatically under your weaker leg of your network. And every 1 new Spot/Lot also gives you additional 30 minutes of Air Time.


(1) Sponsor Bonus

You shall receive RM6.00 for everyone you introduce (sponsor) directly to join Platinum-Z Club.
You only need to introduce/sponsor minimum 2 new members, as Platinum-Z's reward plan is based on Hybrid Binary Re-Entry Plan. So, you only need to monitor 2 groups (left and right) in your network. If you sponsor the 3rd person and above, they will be automatically placed under your existing members in your network (Spillover).
There is no limit on the maximum number of people you can sponsor, so, the more you sponsor, the more sponsor bonus you are entitled to get.
The bonus will be calculated daily and paid weekly.

(2) Pairing Bonus

When your new member A (left) meets new member B (right), it will be considered as 1 pair. Every pair shall be given bonus reward based on daily conversion rate, so the rate shall vary everyday (between RM4.00 to RM21.00).
The maximum payout for pairing bonus for 1 Spot/Lot (RM50) is RM3,000/day. So, imagine if you have more than 1 Spot/Lot? Do you see how big is the potential reward?

The pairing bonus shall be calculated based on company's daily new added spot/lot and company's total daily pairing (12.00 am to 11.59 pm).
Do refer to formula and example in the above diagram.
The pairing bonus payout is infinity and there is no flushing of balance un-paired spot as it will be carried forward.
Pairing bonus is also calculated daily and paid weekly.

The Power of Re-Entry Placement

Re-Entry Spot/Lot is as if like your new sponsor member and it shall be auto-placed at your weaker leg of your network. This helps you to earn pairing and leadership bonus even if you are not active.
So, all your bonus shall be deducted 20% to be placed in Re-Entry Account and whenever the amount reaches RM50.00, 1 new spot/lot will be created for Re-Entry and you shall entitle to get:
Free Air Time of 30 Minute for every new spot/lot
Sponsor Bonus and Pairing Bonus
Every upline will also become downline and vice-versa, therefore system will not get saturated and will continue.

(3) Leadership Bonus

Leadership bonus is calculated based on total number of pairing accumulated in 1 week. It shall be calculated from Monday to Sunday. The qualification requirement is 200 pairing per week. Every 200 pairing accumulated shall be given 1 point. The value of point depends on company's weekly total sales and qualified points for the week. The point value is between RM400 to RM1680 now. So, if you qualify for the point, you potentially get up to 4 figure bonus weekly!
Do refer to formula and example in the below diagram.
Leadership Bonus shall be calculated and paid weekly.

How To Earn RM3,000 Daily in 10 Days!

It's achievable because:
*Some members buy and sign up more than 1 spot/lot
*Some members sponsor more than 2 members
*Massive Re-Entry Spots/Lots to your weak leg

Advantages of Buying 3 Spots/Lots during Sign Up

By doubling your efforts on 4 legs instead of 2 legs, from 1 Spot/Lot to 2 Spots/Lots, you are earning 3 times instead of 1 time.
Example: For Pairing Bonus, you're earning RM9,000 maximum per day (RM3,000 X 3 Spots) instead of RM3,000 maximum per day for 1 Spot.

Join Platinum-Z With MOLePoints

Sign up to be member of Platinum-Z with RM50 MOLePoints is as easy as 1-2-3!

MOLePoints can be purchased at 7-Eleven, Petronas, Shell, Post Office or any premise which display E-Pay Logo throughout Malaysia.


Step 1:

Purchase MOLePoints RM50 (1 piece) from 7-Eleven / Petronas / Shell / Post Office.

Step 2:

Type SMS as below:

pz<>reg<>u0138317998<>d[your h/p no.]<>p[MOL pin no.]<>s[MOL Serial no.]

Remarks: <> means space


pz reg u0138317998 d0123456789 p84001780886193 s0002106700

Then, send the sms to any of the Platinum-Z Gateway No.:

or 016-3323798

Wait for 30 seconds and you will receive SMS "Welcome to Platinum-Z" from Platinum-Z Gateway to notify that your account has been registered successfully together with ID No. and SECRET CODE which you need to use to log in your account at website

You can log in to update your profile.

Member ID = Your h/p no.
Password = Your secret code that you receive from Platinum-Z

Step 3:

If you do not have internet access, you may register your personal details through sms.

Type SMS as below:

<>regd<>n[your name as per IC]<>z[your IC no.]<>b[your bank code]<>t[your bank account no.]<>c[your secret code]

Remarks: <> means space


pz regd nAli Bin Abu z800308055215 bMBB t155015014465 c123456

Then, send the sms to any of the Platinum-Z Gateway No.:

or 016-3323798


Bank Code:

AmBank (AMBB), CIMB Bank (CIMB), Malayan Banking Berhad (MBB), Public Bank (PBB), EON Bank (EBB), Hong Leong Bank (HLBB), RHB Bank (RHB), Affin Bank (AFBB), Alliance Bank (ABMB), Bank Muamalat Malaysia (BMMB), Bank Islam Malaysia (BIMB), Citibank (CBB), OCBC Bank (OCBC), Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN), Ambank Gen-X Prepaid Master Card (AMC), EON Bank Freedom Master Card (EMC)

Join Platinum-Z Through Stockist

If you do not have time to purchase MOLePoints, you may sign up through our stockist by following the below steps:

Step 1:

Bank in your amount of money to our stockist bank account below:

Maybank Account No.: 1126 8810 0150
Name: Goldmon LEE SUET KONG

Amount to bank in depends on number of lots you wish to purchase:

RM50 - 1 Lot (Spot)
RM150 - 3 Lots (Spots)
RM350 - 7 Lots (Spots)
RM750 - 15 Lots (Spots)

Step 2:

Type sms as below:

<>[Date bank in]<>[Time bank in]<>[Amount bank in]<>[0138317998]

<> means space


MBB 09/11/09 02:00PM RM50.00 0138317998

Step 3:

Send the sms to 012-2020962 and 013-8317998

Your membership registration will be processed as soon as possible and you shall receive sms from Platinum-Z regarding your account activation and secret code normally within 1 day from payment.

You can go to and log in to update your profile.

Member ID = Your h/p no.
Password = Your secret code that you receive from Platinum-Z

Or you can register your personal details by following below steps

pz<>regd<>n[your name as per IC]<>z[your IC no.]<>b[your bank code]<>t[your bank account no.]<>c[your secret code]

Remarks: <> means space


pz regd nAli Bin Abu z800308055215 bMBB t155015014465 c123456

Then, send the sms to any of the Platinum-Z Gateway No.:

or 016-3323798


Bank Code:

AmBank (AMBB), CIMB Bank (CIMB), Malayan Banking Berhad (MBB), Public Bank (PBB), EON Bank (EBB), Hong Leong Bank (HLBB), RHB Bank (RHB), Affin Bank (AFBB), Alliance Bank (ABMB), Bank Muamalat Malaysia (BMMB), Bank Islam Malaysia (BIMB), Citibank (CBB), OCBC Bank (OCBC), Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN), Ambank Gen-X Prepaid Master Card (AMC), EON Bank Freedom Master Card (EMC)

Make Call with Platinum-Z Air Time

Step 1:

Dial 1800 1111 99 Callback Number.

Once the call is connected successfully, the call will be cutoff automatically.

Hang up the call.

Step 2:

The system will call you back automatically after that.

Please pick up the call.

Step 3:

Listen to the instruction and key in your desired number, follow by the # key.

Example: 013-3456789#

Wait until your call is connected.

The system will inform you the Platinum-Z air time balance available every time when you make a call.

P/S: Call will not be charged to your Telco account (Maxis, Digi, Celcom, uMobile). Call charge will be deducted from your Platinum-Z Air Time.


1. Is this a Get-Rich-Quick Scam?

  • NO. Because Otelo Telecommunication has valid ASP Licence - Application Service Provider ASP/324/2008, same as Digi, Celcom or Maxis...the only difference is, networking bonus is given for air time usage.

2. Is this a Pyramid Scheme?

  • NO. Because income is fair. Maximum pairing bonus per day of RM3,000 is paid out regardless whether they join earlier or later. Those who are hardworking and signup more lots will be able to get the bonus faster.

3. Is this a Multi Level Marketing (MLM)?

  • NO. Because capital below RM50 does not require AJL (Direct Selling Act) licence. This is just a reward plan for using handphone to make call...

4. I don't have bank account or I am scare to give my bank account?

  • You can use MasterCard Debit Card such as AMBANK Gen-X Prepaid Master Card or EON Bank Freedom Master Card which is available at 7-Eleven with price of RM20 only. So, even foreigner also can participate in this air time reward program.

5. How much is air time per minute?

  • Don't worry about this, because we will get free air time from re-entry! FREE! FREE! So, don't bother so much about the cost of air time per minute! Promote the reward program, get cash bonus and FREE air time.



Promotion by Platinum-Z at Bukit Aman Polis HQ